2017 Technical Sessions

NEMC 2017 featured over 180 presentations and posters organized into concurrent technical sessions from Monday through Friday with a general session on Wednesday morning. A keynote address on a major topic kicked-off the start of each day. Presentations for each of the sessions will be posted on this site, as they become available.

The Forum on Environmental Accreditation

The Forum on Environmental Accreditation (the Forum) held concurrently with NEMC, is the principal conference for addressing policy and technical issues affecting the accreditation of environmental laboratories in addition to field sampling and measurement organizations. The Forum features open public meetings of all TNI committees to allow quality professionals, chemists, analysts, microbiologists, engineers, and managers from federal and state agencies; commercial, municipal, state and federal laboratories; and many others who are actively involved and interested in laboratory accreditation issues to review what has been done and participate in the efforts to establish a national program for environmental laboratories and field sampling and measurement organizations. Details for the Forum meetings can be found at www.nelac-institute.org.


Monday, August 7

8:00 Welcome

8:15 Presentation of the 2017 Charlie Carter Award

8:20 - 8:45 Keynote Address

9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Academic Research Topics in Environmental Measurement and Monitoring (Session 1)
  • NEMC: Method Update Rule
  • NEMC: Overcoming Interferences in Optical ICP Analyses
  • NEMC: Topics in Drinking Water
  • TNI: Laboratory Accreditation System Executive Committee (LASEC)
  • TNI: National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) Accreditation Council
  • TNI: Proficiency Testing Program Executive Committee

10:00 - 5:00 Academic Poster Session

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Provided
Dispelling Myths of Citizen Science
Caren Cooper, North Carolina State University

1:00 - 5:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • ELAB: Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board
  • NEMC: Academic Research Topics in Environmental Measurement and Monitoring (Session 2)
  • NEMC: Changing the Paradigm for Water Pollution Monitoring
  • NEMC: LIMS in the Modern Laboratory
  • TNI: Mentor Session: Regulatory Overview and Staff Training
  • TNI: Microbiology Expert Committee
  • TNI: Quality Systems Expert Committee
  • TNI: Stationary Source Audit Sample (SSAS) Expert Committee

5:30 - 7:00 Opening Reception and Exposition


Tuesday, August 8

8:00 - 5:00 Poster Session and Exposition

8:00 Welcome

8:15 - 8:45 Keynote Address: Communicating Science with Data Visualization
Dr. Lisa Leombruni, University of California, Santa Barbara

9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Advances in Sample Preparation and Clean-up
  • NEMC: Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment (Session 1)
  • NEMC: Citizen Science
  • NEMC: Reinventing Method Validation for Environmental Monitoring
  • TNI: Mentor Session: Standard Implementation Issues (Continued)
  • TNI: Chemistry Expert Committee

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Provided

1:00 - 3:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment (Session 2)
  • NEMC: Effectively Communicating Scientific Information
  • NEMC: Panel Discussion - Method Development and Approval in the 21st Century
  • TNI: Proficiency Testing Expert Committee
  • TNI: Radiochemistry Expert Committee

3:30 - 5:30 Innovative New Technology Showcase and Reception


Tuesday, August 8, 2017; 3:30 - 5:30 pm

The Innovative New Technology Showcase allows up to twelve (12) organizations to showcase innovative new technologies such as sensors, sampling devices, personal monitoring devices, and other new or innovative approaches to environmental monitoring. The Showcase will feature:

  • A poster board and table set-up in a walk-in reception style setting;
  • A 5 minute platform speaking opportunity for all those attending the Showcase to hear about each technology;
  • A networking reception with attendees following this event.



Wednesday, August 9

8:00 - 5:00 Poster Session and Exposition

8: 15 Welcome

8:30 - 12:00 Plenary Session

8:30 - 9:15 Science Communication 101: Message, Jargon, and Delivering the Perfect Elevator Pitch
Jory Weintraub, Duke University

9:15 - 10:00 Forms and Functions of Storytelling in Science Communication
Liz Neeley, The Story Collider

10:00 - 13:00 BREAK

10:30 - 12:00 Lessons from Creating an Online Outreach Empire
Craig McClain, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch on Your Own, OR Attend a Free Lunch Seminar with:

Agilent Technologies: What’s in Your Water? Trace Determination of Emerging Containments in Environmental Matrices
Craig Marvin and Tarun Anumol, Agilent Technologies


Restek Corporation: A Web-Based Application for Modeling Gas Chromatographic Separations
Trent Sprenkle, Restek Corporation


Waters Corporation: Analysis of Samples for Chemical Warfare Agents, Byproducts, Precursors, and other Compounds of Interest 
Joy Ginter, The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)'s Forensic Analytical Center

1:30 - 5:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Data Management and Review
  • NEMC: Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
  • NEMC: Harnessing the Challenges in Reinventing California's Laboratory Accreditation Program
  • TNI: Consensus Standards Development Program Executive Committee
  • TNI: Whole Effluent Toxicity Expert Committee

1:30 - 5:00 Optional Workshop: Science Communication 101

Thursday, August 10

8:00 - 5:00 Poster Session

8:00 Welcome

8:15 - 8:45 Keynote Address: Detecting the Unintended Consequences of Energy and Water Conservation on Water Quality at the Tap
Michele Prevost, Department of Civil, Geological, and Mining Engineering Polytechnique Montreal

9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Ambient Air Measurements
  • NEMC: Premise Microbial Testing
  • NEMC: Topics in Shale Gas Exploration and Production
  • NEMC/TNI: NEMC Steering Committee and TNI Advocacy Committee
  • TNI: Laboratory Accreditation Body Expert Committee
  • TNI: FIeld Activities Committee
  • TNI: National Environmental Field Activities Program Executive Committee

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Provided
Historical Review of Data Qualifiers and QC Formulation
Gary Ward, G. Ward and Associates

1:00 - 5:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry
  • NEMC: Best Practices in Indoor and Outdoor Air Monitoring
  • NEMC: Data Quality
  • NEMC: Field Sampling, Measurement and Sensor Technology
  • NEMC: Overcoming Legacy Obstacles with Innovative Approaches
  • TNI: Microbiology Expert Committee
  • TNI: The New ISO/IEC Standards
  • TNI: General Session: Committee and Program Reports


Friday, August 11

8:00 Welcome

8:15 - 8:45 Keynote Address: Helping Contaminants Emerge: The Application of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Non-Targeted Analysis of Organic Pollutants
Dr. P. Lee Ferguson, Duke University

9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • NEMC: Forensic Chemistry
  • NEMC: Metals and Metal Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples
  • NEMC: Non-Targeted Compound Screening
  • TNI: Advocacy Committee

Keynote Speaker
Andy Eaton
8:15Reflections on 40 Years of Saying Yes (and the Occasional No)
Andy Eaton, Eurofins US
download presentation

Academic Research Topics in Environmental Measurement and Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Tarun Anumol, Agilent Technologies and Bob Wyeth, Independent Consultant
9:00Assessment of Chemical and Biological Techniques to Evaluate the Quality of Water from Pilot Scale Direct Potable Reuse Treatment Facilities
Kevin Daniels, University of Arizona
download presentation
9:30Automated Characterization of Consumer-Grade Sensor Accuracy from Supporting Data in Heterogeneous Air Quality Monitoring Networks
David Ramsay, MIT Media Lab
download presentation
10:30Barnyard Dust Composition and Implications for Asthma in Children
Mauricius Marques dos Santos, University of Arizona
download presentation
10:55Optical Spectroscopy to gain further insights on the chemical structure of humic substances (HS) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
Rossana Del Vecchio, ESSIC-University of Maryland
download presentation
11:20Coupling mass spectrometry with optical spectroscopy and chemical tests to evaluate and monitor dissolved organic matter in natural waters
Marla Bianca, Department Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland College Park
download presentation
11:45Is open-access tap water monitoring possible using the coffee-ring effect?
Rebecca Lahr, Michigan State University

Method Update Rule
Session Chair(s): Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute and Lem Walker, USEPA Office of Water
9:00EPA Finalizes Changes to Part 136 Affecting Laboratories that Perform Water Testing
Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute
download presentation
9:30Proposed 2017 CWA Methods Update Rule - Proposed MDL Procedure
Richard Burrows, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
download presentation
10:30A Summary of Changes in EPA Method 608.3
Adrian Hanley, USEPA Office of Water
download presentation
11:00EPA Method 624.1 - A Summary of the Changes in the Newly Promulgated GC/MS Method for Volatile Organics in Wastewater
Harry McCarty, CSRA
download presentation
11:30EPA Method 625.1 - A Summary of the Changes in the Newly Promulgated GC/MS Method for Semi-Volatile Organics in Wastewater
William Lipps, Shimadzu Scientfic Instruments
download presentation

Overcoming Interferences in Optical ICP Analyses
Session Chair(s): Mike Shepherd, Shepherd Technical Services and Tom Widera, ERA
9:00An in depth look at trace metallic impurity determination by ICP-OES
Thomas Kozikowski, Inorganic Ventures
download presentation
9:30Re-visiting Spectral Correction in ICP-OES
Richard Mealy, Wisconsin DNR - Lab Certification
download presentation
10:30Kick Interference to the Curb: Tackle ICP-OES Applications with Ease
Maura Rury, Thermo Fisher Scientific
download presentation
11:00Modern Spectral and Physical Interference Correction in Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Spectroscopy
Christine Rivera, Agilent Technologies
download presentation
11:30The Investigation of Correction Techniques for Common Interferences in the Analyses of Environmental Samples by ICP-OES
Daniel Jones, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences
download presentation

Topics in Drinking Water
Session Chair(s): Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical and Joe Romano, Waters Corporation
9:00Ongoing Quality Assurance for Cryptosporidium Analysis
Leah Villegas, CB&I
download presentation
9:25Towards an Automated Untargeted Method for Microcystins Analsysi using 2D-LC and Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Kenneth Rosnack, Waters Corporation
download presentation
10:30Determination of Algae Compounds in Drinking Water
Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
download presentation
10:55Inter-laboratory validation study for the analysis of nitrosamine in drinking water using GC-MS/MS
Diana Wong, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
download presentation
11:20Is there cyanide in my drinking water?
Michael Delaney, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
download presentation
11:45Trace Level Determination of Perchlorate in Various Waters by Tandem Suppressed Conductivity and Mass Spectroscopy
Jay Gandhi, Metrohm USA
download presentation

Lunch Speaker
Caren Cooper
12:00Dispelling Myths of Citizen Science
Caren Cooper, North Carolina State University
download presentation

Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board Meeting

EPA's Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board (ELAB) will meet from 1:00 - 5:00 on Monday, August 7. ELAB is managed in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) to solicit consensus advice on issues such as:

  • Enhancing EPA's measurement programs; and
  • Facilitating the operation and expansion of a national environmental laboratory accreditation program.

All ELAB meetings are open to the public.

NEMC Concurrent Sessions

Academic Research Topics in Environmental Measurement and Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Tarun Anumol, Agilent Technologies and Bob Wyeth, Independent Consultant
1:00Expanding environmental monitoring campaigns: Contaminants of emerging concern are also present in “unimpacted” watersheds
Lee Blaney, University of Maryland Baltimore County
download presentation
1:30Identification of halogenated disinfection byproducts of nonylphenol in chlorinated wastewater effluent using novel high resolution GC/Q-TOF
Christiane Hoppe-Jones, University of Arizona
download presentation
2:00Simultaneous determination of UV-filters and estrogens in aquatic invertebrates by modified QuEChERS extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Ke He, University of Maryland Baltimore County
download presentation
2:30Spectrophotometric titrations to characterize and monitor chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in natural waters
Carmen Cartisano, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park
download presentation
3:30Determination of HgS nanoparticles in Produced water by single particle inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (sp-ICP-MS)
Jenny Nelson, Dept of Viticulture and Enology - University of California, Davis
download presentation
4:00Environmental implications of copper nanohybrids in natural waters
Adeyemi Adeleye, University of California Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology
download presentation
4:30Identifying consumer product ingredients and their degradates with endocrine activity
Gabrielle Pecora, University of California Davis
download presentation

Changing the Paradigm for Water Pollution Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Earl Hansen, The NELAC Institute and David Kennedy, Phenomenex, Inc.
1:00Analysis of 58 Volatile Organic Compounds in the Water Intake of the Panama Canal Using a Tandem GC System
Dara Salley, Inficon
download presentation
1:30Effect of holding time on E.coli in wastewater samples
Nichole Schafer, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
download presentation
2:00Binding affinity and toxicity of thirteen microcystin congeners
Debmalya Bhattacharyya, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
download presentation
2:30The Benefits and Pitfalls of Automation, Alternate Test Procedures, and Extensive Cross Training for Production Gains in a Municipal Wastewater Laboratory
Charles Lytle, City of Portland Water Pollution Control Laboratory
download presentation
3:15Innovative Use of Mobile Technology for Environmental Field Data Collection
Ken Ochi, Accelerated Technology Laboratories
download presentation
3:40Orange County’s Use of Continuous Monitors For The TMDL Program
Robert Sheridan, Orange County Environmental Protection Division
download presentation
4:05Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Colorimetric Testing for Discrete and Segmented Flow Analyzers
Sarah Leibenguth, SEAL Analytical
download presentation
4:30Validation of a new ASTM method for the Determination of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphate using Alkaline Persulfate Digestion followed by Ion Chromatography
Richard Jack, Thermo Fisher Scientific
download presentation

LIMS in the Modern Laboratory
Session Chair(s): Robert Benz, Khemia
1:00Your Next LIMS: SaaS or On-Premise?
Ken Ochi, Accelerated Technology Laboratories
download presentation
1:30LIMS Requirements for Correct Use of Significant Figures and Rounding for Regulatory Compliance
Edward Askew, Askew Scientific Consulting LLC
download presentation
2:00Extending the LIMS System Beyond the Walls of the Laboratory.
Russell Schindler, SampleServe.com
download presentation
2:30Five Key Trends Impacting the LIMS Industry
David Riese, Promium
download presentation
3:30Improving the Plasticity of LIMS Implementation: LIMS Extension through Microsoft Excel
Mark Culver, LJT & Associates, Inc.
download presentation
4:00Reducing Paper through LIMS
Bill Pingpank, Ethosoft, Inc.
download presentation
4:30An Introduction to SCRIBE and How the Environmental Response Team Maximizes This Software at Superfund Sites
Christopher Gallo, US EPA
download presentation

5:30 - 7:00

Opening Reception and Exposition

Keynote Speaker
Lisa Leombruni
8:15Communicating Science with Data Visualization
Lisa Leombruni, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management University of California, Santa Barbara
download presentation

Advances in Sample Preparation and Clean-up
Session Chair(s): Michael Flournoy, Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences and Zoe Grosser, Horizon Technology
9:00Automated Extraction and Clean Up of POPs Using a Green Low Solvent System
Ruud Addink, Toxic Report Laboratories
download presentation
9:30Complete Fractionation of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Using Newly Developed EPH SPE Cartridges
Alexandria Pavkovich, Restek Corporation
download presentation
10:30Evaluation and Application of SPME Arrows
Jason Herrington, Restek
download presentation
11:00Ultimate Clean Digestion Cups and Clean Lab Testing
Rebecca Faenza, Environmental Express
download presentation
download paper
11:30Development of a Complete Method validation for the use of Solidphase Extraction with EPA 625.1
Tom Hall, Fluid Management Systems
download presentation

Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment
Session Chair(s): Mark Bruce, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. and Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC
9:00ASTM Standards for the analysis of polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in multiple matrices by UPLC/MS/MS Analysis.
Lawrence Zintek, US EPA
download presentation
9:30The Analysis of Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Environmental Samples by Optimized ASTM Method 7968/7979
Brahm Prakash, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.
download presentation
10:30Optimizing analytical strategies for the measurement of several classes of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water
Tarun Anumol, Agilent Technologies
download presentation
11:00Quantitative Comparison of Perfluorinated Organic compounds in Drinking Water between Tandem Triple Quadrupole MS/MS and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry using Orbitrap Technology- Targeted, non-Targeted and Unknowns
download presentation
11:30A Technique for Determining Total Oxidizable Precursors (TOP) of Perfluroalkyl Compounds
Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC
download presentation

Citizen Science
Session Chair(s): Jay Benforado, USEPA Office of Research and Development and Leon Vinci, Drexel University
9:00Crowds & Communities: Top-down & bottom-up citizen science for environmental protection
Caren Cooper, North Carolina State University
download presentation
9:20Citizen science infrastructures: Technology appropriation for data management and sharing
Andrea Wiggins, University of Nebraska at Omaha
download presentation
9:40Mobilizing public participation in science, technology, and policy—Understanding the motivations of citizen science volunteers
Anne Bowser, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
download presentation
10:30Environmental protection belongs to the public: A vision for citizen science at EPA
Alison Parker, ORISE fellow hosted by EPA
download presentation
10:45Democratizing science to address environmental problem solving – Using open-source tools to expand environmental exploration and investigation
Shannon Dosemagen, Public Lab
download presentation
11:00Panel Discussion: A More Systematic Approach to Citizen Science: Incorporating Community Efforts into the Existing Public Health/Government Infrastructure
Jay Benforado, US EPA
download presentation

Reinventing Method Validation for Environmental Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute and Lara Phelps, USEPA Office of Science Advisor
9:00Flexible Approaches for Environmental Monitoring
Lara P. Phelps, U.S. EPA, Office of Science Advisor
download presentation
10:30Have instrument, make method; How new methods are made and validated
William Lipps, Shimadzu Scientfic Instruments
download presentation
10:50US EPA 625 Method Validation Study for Automated SPE Disk Application
Zoe Grosser, Horizon Technology, Inc.
download presentation
11:10The Standard Methods validation process – responding to requests for including new methods.
Andy Eaton, Eurofins US
download presentation
11:30Addition of Analytical Test Methods to Accreditation Programs
Maryam Khosravifard, Division of Drinking Water | CA Water Boards
download presentation
11:45Basics of Method Development and Validation
Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute
download presentation

Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment
Session Chair(s): Mark Bruce, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. and Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC
1:00Slippery when wet. Analysis of PFCs in aqueous solutions by ASTM D7979
William Lipps, Shimadzu Scientfic Instruments
download presentation
1:25Applying Chemical Molecular Modeling to Predict Environmental Parameters
Joseph Golab, Environmental Standards, Inc
download presentation
1:50The Analysis of Water for Perfluorinated Compounds using Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Zoe Grosser, Horizon Technology
download presentation
2:15Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds in Water Using Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Ruud Addink, Fluid Management Systems
download presentation
2:40Evaluation of Online SPE sorbents for the Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds in Aqueous Matrices
David Schiessel, Babcock Laboratories, Inc
download presentation

Effectively Communicating Scientific Information
Session Chair(s): David Friedman, Friedman Consulting
1:00Improving Scientific Literacy: Best Practices for Communicating Scientific Information
Alexandra Chrystal, California State University, Fullerton
download presentation
1:30Tools and Techniques for Effective Communication
Maria Friedman, State Water Resources Control Board
download presentation
2:00A Conversation on Risk Management in Environmental Monitoring and Public Health Labs
Andrew Nelson, Sandia National Laboratories
download presentation
2:30Filling A Communication Gap: How California ELAP is Regaining Trust from its Stakeholder Communities
Katelyn McCarthy, California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
download presentation

Panel Discussion on Method Development and Approval in the 21st Century
Session Chair(s): Judy Morgan, Pace Analytical; Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute; and Lara Phelps, USEPA Office of Science Advisor
1:00Panel Discussion on Method Development and Approval in the 21st Century
Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute

Tuesday, August 8, 2017; 3:30 - 5:30 pm

The Innovative New Technology Showcase allows up to twelve (12) organizations to showcase innovative new technologies such as sensors, sampling devices, personal monitoring devices, and other new or innovative approaches to environmental monitoring. The Showcase will feature:

  • A poster board and table set-up in a walk-in reception style setting;
  • A 5 minute platform speaking opportunity for all those attending the Showcase to hear about each technology;
  • A networking reception with attendees following this event.


Plenary Speaker
Session Chair(s): Earl Hansen, The NELAC Institute and Lara Phelps, USEPA Office of Science Advisor
Jory Weintraub
8:30Science Communication 101: Message, Jargon and Delivering the Perfect Elevator Pitch
Jory Weintraub, Duke University
download presentation
Liz Neeley
9:15Forms and Functions of Storytelling in Science Communication
Liz Neeley, The Story Collider
Craig McClain
10:30Lessons from creating an online outreach empire
Craig McClain, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
download presentation

Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
Session Chair(s): William Lipps, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments and Lem Walker, USEPA Office of Water
1:30Total cyanide may not always be free but it is often available; cyanide methods and interferences regurgitated
William Lipps, Shimadzu Scientfic Instruments
download presentation
2:00RCRA Methods, Current Activities and Path Forward
Shen-Yi Yang, EPA ORCR
download presentation
2:30CWA Method Equivalency: What a Manufacturer Must Provide and What a Laboratory Must Have Onsite for the Auditor
Edward Askew, Askew Scientific Consulting
download presentation
3:30The Role of Public Health and Governmental Laboratories in National Environmental Monitoring
Henry Leibovitz, Rhode Island State Health Laboratories
download presentation
4:00Updates and Current Activities, Clean Water Act Methods
Adrian Hanley, USEPA
download presentation
4:30Updates and Current Activities, SDWA
Dan Hautman, USEPA, OGWDW
download presentation

Data Management and Review
Session Chair(s): Christina Hiegel, Trihydro Corporation and Jennifer Richardson, Dow Chemical
1:30Panel Discussion: Setting the Standard: Developing and Communicating Best Practices for Environmental Data Management
Panelists ,  Sarah Wright, ICEDM Best Management Practices; Brooke Roecker, ddms, Inc.; Kristen Ward, Langan; and Chris Mickle, Cardno Inc.
download presentation
3:30Best Practices for Submitting Nutrient Data to the Water Quality eXchange (WQX)
Laura Shumway, USEPA
download presentation
4:00Electronic Data Exchange and Evaluation System (EXES)
Nazy Perkins, CSRA
download presentation
4:30EPA's Interoperable Watersheds Network: A New Approach for Publishing Continuous Monitoring Data
Dwane Young, U.S. EPA
download presentation

Harnessing the Challenges in Reinventing California's Laboratory Accreditation Program
Session Chair(s): Christine Sotelo, California ELAP and David Speis, Retired
1:30Assessment of Progress and Final Recommendations by the Expert Review Panel for the State of California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
Lara Phelps, US EPA
download presentation
2:00Reinventing California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
Christine Sotelo, California ELAP
download presentation
2:30Overcoming Hurdles to an Effective and Integrated Quality Managment System
Scott Siders, PDC Laboratories, Inc.
download presentation
3:30Challenges and Roadblocks Encountered When adopting New Laboratory Accreditation Standards: The Orange County Sanitation District Experience
Ron Coss, Orange County Sanitation District
download presentation
4:00TNI Standards in California and Small Utility Laboratories
Dan Jackson, City of Benicia
download presentation
4:30The Overhaul of California ELAP: The Laboratory Perspective
Andy Eaton, Eurofins US
download presentation

Keynote Speaker
Michele Prevost
8:15Detecting the unintended consequences of energy and water conservation on water quality at the tap
Michele Prevost, Department of Civil, geological and Mining Engineering Polytechnique Montreal
download presentation

Ambient Air Measurements
Session Chair(s): Jason Herrington, Restek Corporation and Wayne Whipple, USEPA Region 5
9:00Air Contamination Quantification by FTIR with Gas Cell
Jason Freischlag, LJT & Associates, INC.
download presentation
9:30The Importance Of Quality Assured Field And Analysis Data Supporting The NADP Mercury Deposition Network For Policy Makers, Modelers, And Research Scientist And Other End Users
Robert Brunette, Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences
download presentation
10:30Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Air Quality in Rocky Mountain National Park during FRAPPÉ
Barkley SIVE, National Park Service
download presentation
11:00Characterization of Particulate Air Pollution in a Community near the Port of Houston
Inkyu Han, UTHealth School of Public Health
download presentation
11:30EPA Environmental Response Team's Viper Data Management System and Snapper Air Sampling Platform
Christopher Gallo, US EPA
download presentation

Premise Microbial Testing
Session Chair(s): Patsy Root, IDEXX Laboratories and Debra Waller, New Jersey DEP
9:00Basic IAQ Microbial Sampling Methods
Jason Dobranic, EMSL Analytical, Inc.
download presentation
9:30Advanced IAQ Microbial Sampling Methods
Jason Dobranic, EMSL Analytical, Inc.
download presentation
10:30Optimizing water sampling in large building premise plumbing for the detection of opportunistic pathogens
Emilie Bédard, Polytechnique Montréal
download presentation
11:00Approaches To Legionella Environmental Monitoring in Building Risk Assessments: Sampling Plans, Results Interpretation and Remediation
Janet Stout, Special Pathogens Laboratory
download presentation
11:30Challenges and advances in laboratory methods for the detection of Legionella pneumophila in on-premise testing
Veronica Newport, IDEXX
download presentation

Topics in Shale Gas Exploration and Production
Session Chair(s): Kesavalu Bagawandoss, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. and Dave Gratson, Environmental Standards, Inc.
9:00Measuring Radioactivity Associated with Solid and Liquid Waste from Marcellus Shale
Andrew Nelson, University of Iowa
download presentation
9:30Recommended Practices for Baseline Sampling of Dissolved Gases at Water Wells in Areas of Shale Oil & Gas Development.
Stephen Richardson, GSI Environmental Inc.
download presentation
10:30Dissolved Methane Round Robin Study Results- Phase 2
David Gratson, Environmental Standards
download presentation
11:00Update on Improvements to Dissolved Hydrocarbon Gases in Water Analysis
Mark Bruce, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
download presentation
11:30Removal of Dissolved Gases in Crude Oil and Classification
Kesavalu Bagawandoss, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
download presentation

Lunch Speaker
12:00Historical Review of Data Qualifiers and QC Formulation
Gary Ward, G. Ward Associates
download presentation

Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry
Session Chair(s): Charles Appleby, USEPA Office of Land and Emergency Management and David Kennedy, Phenomenex, Inc.
1:00Evaluation of Wipe Sampling Parameters and Surface Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticide Environmental Samples by LC/MS
Stuart Willison, EPA
download presentation
1:30Trace determination of nitrosamines in finished drinking water by direct-inject LC-MS/MS
Agustin Pierri, Weck Laboratories, Inc.
download presentation

Best Practices in Indoor and Outdoor Air Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Michael Fluornoy, Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences, Inc. and Deborah Gaynor, Phoenix Chemistry Services
1:00Update on the Optimization of U.S. EPA Method TO-11A for the Measurement of Carbonyls in Ambient Air
Ian MacGregor, Battelle
download presentation
1:30Silicon-Lined Canister Cleaning Practices and Blank VOC Concentrations
Jason Herrington, Restek
download presentation
2:00Storage Time Study of Passive Sampling Tubes Used for EPA Method 325
Jamie Brown, MilliporeSigma
download presentation
2:30Review and Validation of Hourly VOC Data Collected by PAMS AutoGC Systems
Carol Meyer, Orsat, LLC
download presentation
3:30Vapor Intrusion: Improving Data Quality Using Today’s Guidance and Best Practices
Taryn McKnight, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
download presentation
4:00How to Meet the Analytical Requirements of NJ Low Level TO-15
Jason Herrington, Restek
download presentation

Data Quality
Session Chair(s): Polly Newbold, ddms, Inc. and Brooke Roecker, ddms, Inc.
1:00Ensuring the Generation of Known and Documented Field Data
Marlene Moore, Advanced Systems Inc.
download presentation
1:30Maintaining Data Quality Indicators throughout the Life of a Project
Christina Hiegel, Trihydro Corporation
download presentation
2:00Results of an inter-laboratory PFAS study based on real world samples
Michael Wilken, The Dow Chemical Company
download presentation
2:30Solid Phase Extraction: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?
Polly Newbold, ddms, inc.
download presentation
3:30Extending Quality Assurance and Data Integrity beyond Standard Practices and Regulatory Guidelines – from Laboratory to Decision Makers.
Paul Banfer, EISC
download presentation
4:00Relative Standard Error: A Statistical Approach to Validating a Calibration Curve
Austin Habich, FIAlab Instruments, Inc
download presentation
4:30Investigating Improper Laboratory Practice: Investigative Tools from the Contract Laboratory Program
Charles Appleby, U.S. EPA
download presentation

Field Sampling, Measurement and Sensor Technology
Session Chair(s): Reza Karimi, Battelle Memorial Institute and Kim Watson, Stone Environmental
1:00Mobile applications for the collection of field data and info-graphical reporting
Russell Schindler, SampleServe.com
download presentation
1:30A Field Analysis Technique for the Determination of PFAS Compounds
Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC
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2:00QA Approaches for Water Passive Sampling Methods
Heather Lord, Maxxam Analytics
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2:30Analysis of TPHd in soil by Portable GC-MS
Rachel Mohler, Chevron ETC
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3:15An IR-Based Field Analytical Method for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Measurement- Field Deployment and Performance Evaluation
Timothy Vidra, Chevron Pacific Indonesia
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3:40Use of Semi-Quantitative Field Screening Data in Hydrocarbon Investigation and Remediation
Charles Fator, Hanby Petro Analysis
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4:05Data Quality Performance for Different Sampling Strategies for Residential Soil Lead (Pb).
Deana Crumbling, USEPA
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4:30On-site heavy metal testing and monitoring using monochromatic XRF methods
Zewu Chen, XOS
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Overcoming Legacy Obstacles with Innovative Approaches
Session Chair(s): David Thal, Environmental Standards
2:00Why are we doing what we do? Does it really add value?
Rusty Vicinie, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
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2:30Lab and Field Practices that Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
Rock Vitale, Environmental Standards, Inc.
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3:30Isotope Dilution – Where it works. Where it doesn’t work. Where we should expand its use.
David Thal, Environmental Standards
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4:00Sub-Femtogram Detection of Dioxins and Furans using Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Douglas Stevens, Waters Corporation
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Keynote Speaker
P. Lee Ferguson
8:15Helping contaminants emerge: The application of high-resolution mass spectrometry to non-targeted analysis of organic pollutants
P. Lee Ferguson, Duke University
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Forensic Chemistry
Session Chair(s): Michelle Kerr, USEPA Region 5 and Kitty Kong, Chevron Energy Technology Company
9:00Hunting Down Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater: Benzotriazole Derivatives in the Penn State Wastewater Treatment Plant and Surrounding Areas
Kyra Murrell, Penn State University
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9:30High Resolution Site Characterization and Integration with Environmental Forensics
Ileana Rhodes, GSI Environmental
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10:30Red Crabs As Sentinel Organisms of Deepwater Horizon Oil in Gulf of Mexico Sediments
Gregory Douglas, NewFields Environmental Forensics
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11:00Incorporation of weathering in PAH source apportionment
Caroline Tuit, Gradient
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11:30Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents: Processes for Unknown Environmental Samples
Joy Ginter, US Army Edgewood Chemical & Biological Center
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Metals and Metal Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples
Session Chair(s): Frank McFarland, Brooks Applied Labs
9:00Matrix Interferences in ICP-MS: Causes, Effects, and Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate Them
Ruth Wolf, Perkin Elmer Inc.
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9:30Application of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to Quantify Beryllium Concentration in Soil
Kelsey Culbertson, High Purity Standards
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10:30Fast arsenic speciation analysis of wine and rice with LC-ICP-QQQ.
Courtney Tanabe, University of California, Davis; Department of Viticulture and Enology
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11:00Improving data quality for Arsenic and Selenium detection using TQ-ICP-MS in environmental laboratories
Maura Rury, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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11:30Modifications to EPA Method 3060A that improve the Cr(VI) extraction efficiency from chromium ore processing residue-contaminated soils
Ruth Wolf, Perkin Elmer, Inc.
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Non-Targeted Compound Screening
Session Chair(s): David Kennedy, Phenomenex, Inc. and Craig Marvin, Agilent Technologies
9:00Analysis of combustion byproducts on firefighter protection equipment and in firefighter urine using novel high resolution GC/Q-TOF and bioassays
Christiane Hoppe-Jones, University of Arizona
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9:30Comprehensive screening of environmental contaminants by flow-modulated GC×GC
Matthew Edwards, SepSolve Analytical
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Kenneth Rosnack, Waters Corporation
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11:00Non-Targeted Suspect Screening Strategies Using Low Resolution LC-MS-MS
David Schiessel, Babcock Laboratories, Inc
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11:30Workflows for targeted quantification, suspect screening and discovery of unknown organic compounds in the environment using high-resolution mass spectrometry
Tarun Anumol, Agilent Technologies
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Session Chair(s): Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
Assessing mercury accumulation in Alaskan fishes using chemical feeding ecology (Poster)
Andrew Cyr, University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Biopsy punches as a cost effective and efficient tool to monitor mercury in fish muscle (Poster)
Hannah Gerrish, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Biology and Wildlife
Combining a rotating drum and cavity ring down spectroscopy for exploring atmospheric gas-particle interfaces (Poster)
Cecilia Smith, Virginia Tech Chemistry Department
Light Emitting Diode Distance & Ranging Environmental Monitoring System (LEMS) (Poster)
Reed Parsons, CRSci

Session Chair(s): Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
A case study of using isotopic signatures of multiple contaminants to identify source relevance (Poster)
Hsin Hsu, Industrial Technology and Research Institute
Analysis of Alternative Plasticizers to Phthalate Esters in Canadian House Dust (Poster)
Xinghua Fan, Health Canada
Data Quality of Modern vs. Conventional Extract Concentration for Triazine Pesticides (Poster)
Roberto Cabrera, Clinical Laboratory of San Bernardino
Detection of sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) in water by direct injection LC-MS/MS (Poster)
Emily Parry, U.S. EPA
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Determination of Perfluoralkyl Substances (PFAS) in Marine and Freshwater Sediments using QuEChERS Extraction and LC-MS/MS (Poster)
Syljohn Estil, San Jose Creek Water Quality Laboratory - Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Development of a Low-Resolution GC/MS Method for PCB Congeners in Support of the Clean Water Act (Poster)
Adrian Hanley, USEPA Office of Water
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Do Mass Transformation Processes not Cause Isotope Fractionation Effect on Chlorinated Solvents? (Poster)
Tzu-Hui Wang, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
Evaluation of Online SPE sorbents for the Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds in Aqueous Matrices (Poster)
David Schiessel, Babcock Laboratories, Inc
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Examining the potential for using unfrozen sediments in trace-level analysis of organic pollutants in the Santa Monica Bay (Poster)
Ochan Otim, Environmental Monitoring Division, City of Los Angeles
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Increasing Efficiency of Fecal Coliform Testing through EPA-Approved Alternate Method Colilert 18 (Poster)
Brian Cornwell, LJT & Associates, Inc
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Making a case for regenerating and recycling gas chromatography liners in industrial wastewater screening for organic pollutants (Poster)
Ochan Otim, Environmental Monitoring Division, City of Los Angeles
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Microcystin ELISA: Comparison of the Manual Method vs. the Automated CAAS method (Poster)
Rosemarie Read, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
SARA's Bacterial Source Tracking: How One Small Environmental Lab Developed an Impactful Molecular Biology Program (Poster)
Hillary Halderman, San Antonio River Authority
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Streamlined Lipids Analysis by Automated Solvent Extraction (Poster)
Ochan Otim, Environmental Monitoring Division, City of Los Angeles
SW - 846: Update for 2017 (Poster)
Christina Langlois-Miller, EPA ORCR
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Session Chair(s): Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
2017 EPA Method Update Rule and EPA Method 624.1 (Poster)
Cynthia Elmore, OI Analytical
A comparison of Purge & Trap, Headspace and SPME for EPA Method 624 and 8260 Compounds (Poster)
Paul Macek, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.
An integrated GC-MS workflow solution for the determination of (semi-)volatiles in drinking water and solid waste according to the U.S. EPA guidelines (Poster)
Wei Liu, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
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Automated Sampling of Methanol Extractions (Poster)
Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
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Comparative performance of a new method, Legiolert, vs. standard methods for the quantification of Legionella pneumophila in potable and nonpotable water samples (Poster)
Veronica Newport, IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
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Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fish Tissues by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MS (Poster)
Aaron Kettle, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Determination of pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in honey by accelerated solvent extraction and GC-MS/MS (Poster)
Aaron Kettle, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Determination of TKN by Subtraction using ASTM D8083 and ASTM D7781 (Poster)
William Lipps, Shimadzu Scientfic Instruments
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Gas chromatography coupled to ICP-MS/MS for quantification of organophosphate pesticides in honey bee products after miniaturized QuEChERS extraction (Poster)
Jenny Nelson, Agilent
High Definition X-ray fluorescence (HDXRF®) (Poster)
Lisa Heffner, XOS
Is the vial impacting your results? (Poster)
Adam Harder, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
LC/MS/MS analysis of glyphosate in food matrices without the use of derivatization (Poster)
Douglas Stevens, Waters Corporation
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Multiresidue Analysis of Pesticides in Cannabis-Infused Oil by QuEChERS extraction and Enhanced Matrix Removal-Lipid Cleanup (Poster)
Joan Stevens, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Optimization of 1,4-Dioxane and Ethanol Detection Using USEPA Method 8260 (Poster)
Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Analysis in Fatty and Complicated Food Matrices using Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) (Poster)
Joan Stevens, Agilent Technologies
Screening for Pollutants in Water with GC/MSD and MassHunter SureTarget mass spectral deconvolution workflow (Poster)
Angela Henry, Agilent Technologies
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Strategies for dealing with high matrix samples using ICP-MS (Poster)
Wei LIU, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Streamlined Method for EPA 1694: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water (Poster)
Brian Kinsella, UCT Inc.
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Why you should mind your "Ps and Qs". (Poster)
Kathy Kiefer, MilliporeSigma
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