Solid Phase Extraction: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?
Data Quality
Oral Presentation
Prepared by
Contact Information: [email protected]; 908-619-9132
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) has been in use for decades and is gaining greater popularity as an alternate means of sample extraction in our regulated community. While SPE was included in SW-846 (Update III, 1996) as Method 3535, it has been recently included in EPA Methods 608.3 for PCBs and 625.1 for SVOCs as an option for sample preparation. While SPE is an excellent sample preparation method for drinking water, it may not necessarily always be appropriate for all types of aqueous matrices. This presentation will address some of the potential concerns associated with the SPE preparation method.
Data Quality
Oral Presentation
Prepared by
Contact Information: [email protected]; 908-619-9132
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) has been in use for decades and is gaining greater popularity as an alternate means of sample extraction in our regulated community. While SPE was included in SW-846 (Update III, 1996) as Method 3535, it has been recently included in EPA Methods 608.3 for PCBs and 625.1 for SVOCs as an option for sample preparation. While SPE is an excellent sample preparation method for drinking water, it may not necessarily always be appropriate for all types of aqueous matrices. This presentation will address some of the potential concerns associated with the SPE preparation method.