Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown is a R&D Scientist with the Supelco a division of MilliporeSigma. He has over 31 years of experience in the development of products for sampling organic volatile compounds from air and water. He has routinely assisted regulatory agencies like the US EPA, OSHA, and NIOSH with method development; and he is an active member of ASTM D22.05 Air Quality Committee. He has collaborated on methods for domestic and international regulatory agencies. He received his Associate degree from The Pennsylvania State University.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 814-359-5917
Jamie Brown is a R&D Scientist with the Supelco a division of MilliporeSigma. He has over 31 years of experience in the development of products for sampling organic volatile compounds from air and water. He has routinely assisted regulatory agencies like the US EPA, OSHA, and NIOSH with method development; and he is an active member of ASTM D22.05 Air Quality Committee. He has collaborated on methods for domestic and international regulatory agencies. He received his Associate degree from The Pennsylvania State University.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 814-359-5917