Removal of Dissolved Gases in Crude Oil and Classification

Topics in Shale Gas Exploration and Production
Oral Presentation

Prepared by

Contact Information: [email protected]; 615-301-5757


Prepared by K. Bagawandoss
TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc., 2960 Foster Creighton Drive, Nashville, TN 37204, United States.

Contact Information: [email protected]; 615-301-5757


The State of North Dakota regulation requires that the dissolved gases be removed by conditioning from unrefined petroleum products to a vapor pressure of 13.7 psi prior to custody transfer. Under the DOT/PHMSA regulations all crude oil offered must be classified and the packing group must be assigned prior to transportation. This discussion will include the analytical protocols utilized to comply with the above mentioned regulations. The challenges posed by the analytical protocols and their applicability will be outlined.