Strategies for dealing with high matrix samples using ICP-MS

Poster Presentation

Presented by W. LIU
Prepared by

Contact Information: [email protected]; 720-648-4759


Elemental analysis in high matrix samples can be a challenge in ICP-MS. Matrix effects include suppression of the internal standards, signal drift and deposition on the interface cones of the instrument. The most common way to overcome high matrix load issues is to dilute the sample to reduce the amount of matrix entering the instrument. Dilution of the sample obviously also leads to a dilution of the analytes present, so the dilution factor needs to be chosen carefully in order to maintain the detection limit performance required. However, in routine labs, such dilutions for measurements that meet certain criteria, such as internal standard recovery, analyte concentration range or stability are often done manually and thefore are errer-prone and time-consuming. A combination of ICP-MS together with an intelligent and flexible, automated dilution system is therefore ideal for analysing heavy matrix samples, especially for high-throughput laboratories.

Here we show the results from the fully automated, high-throughput analysis of drinking waters, in accordance with U.S. EPA Method 200.8 using ICP-MS coupled with an autodilution system. In addition, data for concentrated NaCl solutions will be shown to demonstrate the performance and flexibility of the system for handling very high and variable matrix samples.