Detection of sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) in water by direct injection LC-MS/MS

Poster Presentation

Prepared by , S. Willison

Contact Information: [email protected]; 513-569-7647


Homeland Security Presidential Directives and various Congressional mandates require the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to respond and support environmental response and remediation efforts. EPA established the Environmental Response Laboratory Network (ERLN; to serve as a national network of laboratories to ensure lab capacity and capability is possible, while confirming quality data, during large response efforts. EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program developed and periodically updates the Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM) to provide the ERLN with recommended analysis methods for priority chemicals, radioisotopes, pathogens and biotoxins in different environmental matrices. Sodium fluoroacetate (FAA) is a chemical of concern listed within SAM; however, it lacks an updated, verified analytical method in water. FAA is a mammalian pesticide that could contaminate water supplies and cause widespread harm. To overcome the lengthy analytical time required for current methods, this research is aimed at developing a direct injection liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The analytical target level of 0.4 ppb in water was identified based on risk assessments developed from toxicity values. Several drinking water sources have been used to ensure method robustness and evaluate the effect of organic carbon content, hardness, and other potential method interferences. The developed method utilizes equipment that is widely available, and possesses high throughput capabilities, to assist with lab capacity and capability issues that arise during large-scale remediation incidents.