Reducing Paper through LIMS
LIMS in the Modern Laboratory
Oral Presentation
Prepared by
Contact Information: [email protected]; 8008707014 ext 111
Reducing Paper Through LIMS
Regardless of the type of laboratory, reducing the use of paper based data management methods has countless advantages. This presentation aims to identify the benefits of reducing paper usage in the laboratory and how this can be achieved using your Laboratory Information Management System. Digital techniques to enter, calculate, and track data allows laboratory users efficient alternatives to paper usage that extend far beyond electronic bench sheets and are easily implemented.
LIMS in the Modern Laboratory
Oral Presentation
Prepared by
Contact Information: [email protected]; 8008707014 ext 111
Reducing Paper Through LIMS
Regardless of the type of laboratory, reducing the use of paper based data management methods has countless advantages. This presentation aims to identify the benefits of reducing paper usage in the laboratory and how this can be achieved using your Laboratory Information Management System. Digital techniques to enter, calculate, and track data allows laboratory users efficient alternatives to paper usage that extend far beyond electronic bench sheets and are easily implemented.