Proposed 2017 CWA Methods Update Rule - Proposed MDL Procedure
Method Update Rule
Oral Presentation
Prepared by
Contact Information: [email protected]; 303-736-0145
At the time of writing, it is uncertain whether the EPA MDL procedure will be final or still proposed at the time of the NEMC. If still proposed this presentation will examine how laboratories can best adopt some of the improvements in the revised procedure, while still remaining compliant with the old MDL. If final, the presentation will examine how laboratories can best implement the new procedure.
The presentation will also discuss the requirements of the 2016 TNI standard regarding detection limits, how they compare with the revised MDL procedure, and how laboratories can meet the TNI requirements while still being in compliance with both the old and the new EPA MDL procedures.
Method Update Rule
Oral Presentation
Prepared by
Contact Information: [email protected]; 303-736-0145
At the time of writing, it is uncertain whether the EPA MDL procedure will be final or still proposed at the time of the NEMC. If still proposed this presentation will examine how laboratories can best adopt some of the improvements in the revised procedure, while still remaining compliant with the old MDL. If final, the presentation will examine how laboratories can best implement the new procedure.
The presentation will also discuss the requirements of the 2016 TNI standard regarding detection limits, how they compare with the revised MDL procedure, and how laboratories can meet the TNI requirements while still being in compliance with both the old and the new EPA MDL procedures.