EPA Environmental Response Team's Viper Data Management System and Snapper Air Sampling Platform

Ambient Air Measurements
Oral Presentation

Prepared by

Contact Information: [email protected]; 732-321-6643


One of the issues with screening data for air monitoring is the ability to get the information to those who will be responding to an alarm level of concern. ERT’s Viper Data Management system not only allows us the ability to monitor different instruments on one website but allows us to make sure the data is given to the appropriate parties. Alarms can be sent out via emails to local, state, EPA and other federal government officials so the proper response can be discussed and conducted. With the information streamlined to the response entities, Viper eliminates the middle man and allows the information to flow to pertinent stakeholders. In addition to the email alerts, local, state and other federal agencies can monitor the data from any computer and can broadcast the data in real time in their respective Emergency Operations Centers. ERT has enabled the response community to not be just informed of our capabilities but be actively included in our air monitoring efforts. This presentation will provide a history of ERT's Viper System, including but not limited to, Superfund sites that have utilized this technology, emergency responses that have benefited from the Viper System and lessons learned about its potential in the air monitoring realm. ERT's Snapper Air Sampling Platform will also be discussed as will next steps going forward with both systems.