Tools and Techniques for Effective Communication

Effectively Communicating Scientific Information
Oral Presentation

Prepared by

Contact Information: [email protected]; 818-551-2014


In this environment of fast-paced technological change, communication tools are ubiquitous and used by everybody. However, we tend to use these tools without scrutinizing whether we are clear with what we like to convey, and we overlook if we are reaching the right audience. Aside from the tools, we need effective strategies to ensure the information we share with others is clear and reaches the right stakeholders. Stakeholders must receive the information they need and at the time that they need it. Equally important is developing an understanding of what information *not* to share with the wrong stakeholders, lest they become overwhelmed with extraneous information that is neither needed nor actionable by them.

Effective communication means ensuring that your stakeholders have the information they need, when they need it, and enabling them to respond to or act upon your message. Do we understand who are our stakeholders? What is the value of the information to them? Are we relaying the info to obtain maximum benefits and to whom? This presentation will introduce the concept of stakeholder analysis and highlight some tools to develop an effective communication strategy with our stakeholders.