David Schiessel

David Schiessel is the Organics Technical Manager at Babcock Laboratories where he has worked for over ten years. He has developed or implemented many methods for routine lab use and has participated in multi-lab method validation of methods used in the environmental lab today including EPA Method 533. During his 20+ years’ experience in the environmental lab, he has used common determinative techniques including GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS as well as investigative laboratory tools like High resolution Mass Spectrometry coupled to GC or LC. His current primary investigations have sought to characterize the PFAS chemical space using techniques that measure known PFAS, Total Organic Fluorine, and Unknown PFAS in drinking water. He has worked on computational approaches to manage large datasets in order help inform clients of the full extent of PFAS in environmental samples. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental & Earth Sciences from Washington State University.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 951-653-3351