Neil Rumachik

Neil Rumachik is a Manager of Applications Development within the marketing division of the Ion Chromatography and Sample Preparation business unit at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Prior to joining the marketing team last year, Neil was a staff scientist in R&D at Thermo for the previous 5 years, where he developed new IC-MS products and workflows for the analysis of carbohydrates. Neil has spent most of his career developing cross-disciplinary methods and utilizing multi-omics platforms to study biology. With over a decade of experience working at the interface of chemistry and biology, Neil’s primary research interests lie in the application of chemistries and hyphenated mass spectrometry technologies for the characterization of biological samples. Before joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, Neil completed his graduate work in Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley (MS) and Stanford University (PhD) with Professor Carolyn Bertozzi.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 408-481-4625