Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Environment
Poster Presentation
Prepared by E. Parry, M. Kamuf, E. Naegele, T. Anumol, M. Giardina
Agilent Technologies, 2850 Centerville Rd, Wilmington, DE, 19808, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; 302-358-7390
Per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made compounds that are ubiquitous in environment. Possible adverse effects to humans and animals have made them a public health concern and detecting low levels in water and food is desired to ensure public safety. The PFAS compound class is quite diverse including both polar and nonpolar compounds. Regulatory analytical methods usually include some type of concentration step leaving the extract in at least 50% organic solvent to facilitate the solubility of the nonpolar compounds. This high organic content is problematic for chromatography by causing distorted peak shapes on the early eluting polar compounds particularly when using a large injection volume to increase sensitivity. The hybrid multisampler offers a new injection mode called a feed injection. A feed injection is facilitated by infusing the sample into the mobile phase stream with a special valve, resulting in an online dilution. This presentation presents results showing how the feed injection can improve chromatography and increase sensitivity. Results using different injection solvents and how carryover is mitigated will be presented.