Analyzing Microplastics in the Environment
Oral Presentation
Prepared by L. Tisinger
Agilent Technologies, 201 hansen ct., suite 108, Wood Dale, IL, 60191, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; 16303067304
The technologies used for the analysis of microplastics have been developing at a swift rate. In the United States, standards are being developed by the ASTM and Southern California Coastal Water Reclamation Project (SCCWRP) for testing microplastics in water. As prescribed in the testing protocols, QCL based systems have become an accepted tool in the rapid analysis of microplastics. This presentation will discuss a low-maintenance, extremely easy-to-use QCL-based system that automates the entire microplastics analysis workflow, providing identification, visual and IR images, numbers related to particles morphology, and relevant statistical analysis. In addition, this presentation will (i) show details on the operation of the system (ii) describe the simple microplastics analysis workflow, (iii) present some sample data, and (iv) show how direct on-filter analysis option can increase sample throughput.