Vendor Lunch Speaker
Oral Presentation
Prepared by A. Hineman
Perkin Elmer, 710 Bridgeport Avenue, Shelton, CT, 06484, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; +1 630.338.9708
Clean water is essential for human and environmental health, and its
quality must be rigorously monitored to ensure safety. The analysis of
waters for trace elements poses significant challenges due to varying
compositions influenced by geological factors and human activities. In
this presentation, we explore the application of the latest in ICP-MS
instrumentation, equipped with Universal Collision-Reaction Gas
Technology, for the analysis of potable waters. This technology offers
unparalleled sensitivity and precision, crucial for meeting stringent
regulatory standards. Through calibration validation, analysis of
certified reference materials, and spiked tap water samples, the
efficacy and accuracy of the method are demonstrated. This unique
application, with its innovative capabilities, enables the detection of
trace elements at levels previously considered unattainable, ensuring
the safety of potable water worldwide.