Adam Gushgari

Adam Gushgari

Dr. Gushgari’s 10 years’ experience in wastewater-based epidemiology has focused on leveraging his background in civil engineering, sustainability, and analytical chemistry to improve the efficacy and socioeconomic distribution of wastewater surveillance methods. Originally focusing on the quantification of opioid, narcotic, and pharmaceutical consumption surveillance, he has established projects at multiple levels of scale with partners in private industry and federal, state, and local governments. He developed the first US-based WBE project which provided a source of public-facing information to monitor opioid consumption in Tempe, Arizona. His novel contributions to the field have been leveraged in many high-profile projects including the first CDC SARS-CoV-2 National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) program in 2021 where he served as the primary project manager and vendor principal investigator. Dr. Gushgari’s education encompasses engineering and analytical chemistry, with experience including experimental design, analytical method development, project execution, and public interfacing for federal, state, and local projects at multiple levels of scale within municipal and private wastewater systems.

Contact Information: [email protected]; 480-490-3017