Jerry Parr
Jerry Parr has a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Texas and over 40 years of professional experience in environmental chemistry including sampling, sample preparation, analysis, data evaluation, and regulatory affairs. Jerry Parr currently serves as the Executive Director of The NELAC Institute. He also is the conference organizer for the Environmental Measurement Symposium. He is the author of over 50 publications, including a 1984 Report to Congress on the adequacy of EPA methods. Mr. Parr was the principal investigator on work performed for the American Petroleum Institute for establishing the original methods for hydrocarbon analyses (GRO and DRO) that are used extensively in the US today. Mr. Parr developed the concept of using Laboratory Control Samples as a measure of laboratory performance and wrote the original language on method validation and modification and the use of laboratory quality control samples that is currently in the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 817-308-0449