Crafting Consensus Methods for Environmental Sampling and Measurement
Oral Presentation
Prepared by L. Zintek1, W. Lipps2, D. Kleinmaier1, G. Schupp1
1 - US EPA, 536 South Clark Street, Chicago, IL, 60605, United States
2 - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD, 21046, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; 312-886-2925
A single laboratory validation study (SLVS) was conducted to establish precision and bias for an expanded list of PFAS analytes in addition to those already included in D7968. ASTM D7968 employs liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to measure PFAS compounds. The focus of this SLVS was on analyses of PFAS contaminants in soil and biosolid matrices in order to characterize the performance of the standard in multiple solid matrices, evaluate and determine the quality control (QC) acceptance criteria in the updated method. We intend to initiate a collaborative multilaboratory validation study once the SLVS is complete and ensure the Standard becomes an acceptable option for PFAS analysis in solid matrices. This presentation will elaborate on the SLVS results.