Environmental Forensics
Oral Presentation
Prepared by D. Gratson1, E. Rogers2
1 - Environmental Standards, 1704 Llano Street, Santa Fe, NM, 87505, United States
2 - Environmental Standards, , ,
Contact Information: [email protected]; 505-660-8521
Environmental forensics analyses can assist in determining the source, age, and amount of chemical releases to the environment. Environmental forensics analyses have been instrumental in determining single versus multiple, comingled sources; age dating a source to assist in determining the originator of the contaminant; and using unique biomarkers to determine specific source or manufacturer of the release. Not only is it important to select the correct analytical method to answer the project or site-specific questions but just as important is evaluating and interpreting the analytical data generated.
This presentation offers several hydrocarbon case studies where various environmental forensics analytical methods were selected to address the specific site questions relating to the source(s). The case studies will include a presentation of raw analytical data and will include a discussion on how the appropriate analytical methods were selected and how the data generated was evaluated to establish lines of evidence related to source questions.