Instrumentation Focus: Reducing Interferences in ICP/MS
Oral Presentation
Prepared by W. Lipps
Shimadzu, 7102 Riverwood Dr, Columbia, MD, 21046, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; 14435396216
ASTM D5673 Standard Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass Spectrometry covers the determination of dissolved elements in ground water, surface water, and drinking water. It may also be used for the determination of total-recoverable elements in these waters as well as wastewater. The method was first published in 1996 and shares validation data with EPA 200.8 with the validation published in the AOAC Journal. The ASTM method was later revised in 2016 to add determination of As and Se in mine-impacted waters. This revision added interferences checks for As and Se and assumes interference removal technology will be used but did not specify it. In addition, the included interference checks are specific to the mine dewatering matrices. ASTM Committee D19 is currently revising D5673 to better describe interference removal by adding additional interference check compounds, describing the potential interferences, and including performance check criteria. These interferences include, but are not limited to, interferences that may occur if rare earth elements are present in the samples. Additional elements, such as iron are also being added. Because these updates are technical in nature, a new inter-lab study will need to be conducted. Progress on the method updates and plans for future study will be discussed.