William Robberson

Bill Robberson has been a Principal Engineer with Ocean P3 Systems since 2018. Robberson’s accomplished record of public service began as a decorated U.S. Naval Aviator/Flight Test Pilot and includes more than three decades as a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) and U.S. Public Health Service (US PHS) Commissioned Corps Officer assigned to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Robberson served at EPA as a US PHS Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) Commander and nationally recognized expert in drinking water and wastewater systems, environmental emergency response incident management and geospatial situational awareness, ocean plastic particle pollution and development of ASTM standards. He has received EPA Gold, Sliver and Bronze medals, a PHS Hazardous Duty Award, PHS Crisis Response Service Award and PHS Achievement Medal for his accomplishments and contributions. Robberson is founder of Ocean P3 Systems, an Environmental Engineering firm specializing in microplastic particle pollution sampling/measurement and ASTM standards development for the collection, preparation and analysis of microplastics in water.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 415-307-7720