Lara Phelps

Lara Phelps is the Director for the U.S. EPA’s Air Methods and Characterization Division (AMCD) in the Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Office of Research and Development (ORD) where she overseas diverse research to develop, evaluate, and apply advanced laboratory and field methods to measure, characterize, and analyze concentrations of pollutants in the air and at a diverse array of emission sources. Prior to her AMCD appointment, Lara served as the Director and Deputy Director of ORD’s Air and Energy Management Division; and as the Senior Advisor for Measurement, Modeling, Monitoring, and Laboratory Science issues and as Acting Deputy Director in the Office of the Science Advisor (OSA). In over 26 years with EPA, she has served in various positions and roles within the Office of Air and Radiation, ORD, and OSA gaining expertise in a wide range of areas from management and leadership to budgeting and program planning to innovative strategies and technologies. Lara elected to do her bachelor’s and master’s work in Statistics at North Carolina State University with a minor in Mathematics. She has received numerous honors including four bronze medals and service recognition in support of the Nation’s response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 919-541-5544