Ellen R Campbell

Ms Campbell is CEO of NECi Superior enzymes. The company was founded in 1993 by Ellen and husband Prof Bill Campbell to bring recombinant enzymes into the world of green analytical chemistry. NECi's nitrate reductase for nitrate determination earned Standard Method status with the EPA (CWA, SDWA), ASTM, standardmethods.org, and the USGS in the mid 2010s. The company's R&D has been funded in part via competitive grants from NIH, USDA, NSF, and other federal agencies. Ellen holds a BSc from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. She worked in the Pharmacology Dept of the SUNY Upstate Medical Center, where she gained expertise in analytical method development. Bill and Ellen moved to Michigan's Upper Peninsula in 1985 and began working with new molecular biology techniques.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 906-296-1000