Environmental Sensors and Instrumentation
Oral Presentation
Presented by A. Koepf
Prepared by S. Wierer, T. Fiedler (Dr.), U. Aulwurm (Dr.)
LCTech GmbH, Daimlerstraße 4, Obertaufkirchen, -, 84419, Germany
Contact Information: [email protected]; +4980822717-0
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are highly toxic and persistent substances, which accumulate in the environment and pose risks on health. Since 2001 they are regulated by the Stockholm Convention and monitored accordingly.
By this, the analysis of POPs got increasingly important, leading to a huge growth in sample numbers and the need for standardized yet fast, automated and low-cost methods and instruments at the same time.
Additionally, today’s laboratories require instruments, where global regulations and changing methods can be implemented easily into their own processes.
The workflow to analyze POPs include extraction, clean-up, evaporation steps and the final analysis.
To complete our existing automated sample preparation portfolio, a new extraction system was launched in 2021.
Pressurized Fluid Extraction (PFE) is a sample extraction method that employs liquid solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures to prepare samples for analysis. While commonly known extraction systems are using high pressure (100 - 150 bar) for their process, our newly introduced extraction system works with low pressure (max. 17 bar; LPFE (Low Pressure Fluid Extraction). Working in low-pressure range is sufficient for an excellent extraction efficiency with decreased wear-and-tear of instrument parts, higher longevity and a safe handling. The ease of use is further increased by the unique extraction cell-cover-lid locking mechanism.
This system can be upgraded from 1 to 6 devices, which are able to operate either sequentially or in parallel, with a different protocol on each device.
The system features fast extraction times, easy handling, no cross-contamination and high reproducibility.
It can be used for the extraction of Dioxin and PCBs acc. to US EPA method 3545A, extractions test for other POPs like PBDES, PCNs, PFOS etc. are ongoing.
In the talk, results produced with this new extraction module will be presented for Dioxin and PCB in different environmental samples.