Citizen Science in Environmental Monitoring
Oral Presentation
Prepared by L. Vinci
Drexel University, 1912 Arden Rd SW, Roanoke, VA, 24015, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; 913-535-3091
Since the onset of the 2019 coronavirus, the world has changed and adapted to meet this biological threat. With COVID-19 impacts such as sheltering, distancing, masking, and other life-style interventions being put into place, changes were needed to the way Citizen Science and citizen research have been conducted.
This presentation will highlight several of the adjustments that citizen scientists have had to make accordingly. Obvious impacts such as reducing environmental sampling, altering schedules for measurement, and project implementation will be reviewed.
Unintended changes and impacts will also be showcased in the presentation. Case examples will be utilized to illustrate the pandemic's on-the-ground impacts.
Sources of data for this talk include field observations and metrics as well as anecdotal information from community and governmental sources.
The educational session will close with a forecast of Citizen Science's future, both short-term and long-term.