Katherine Hyland
KC Hyland, PhD. is a Technical Marketing scientist for Food, Environmental, and Cannabis applications at SCIEX. Dr. Hyland is primarily responsible for the development of new LC-MS methods using SCIEX Triple Quadrupole, QTRAP® and QTOF LC-MS/MS technology for food and environmental testing markets, and the dissemination of these methods to the SCIEX global applications team and SCIEX customers worldwide. KC joined SCIEX in 2013 as an Applications Specialist, working closely with laboratories throughout the USA to develop and streamline testing methods and workflows, and is the author or co-author of nearly thirty SCIEX application notes to date. KC’s areas of expertise include perfluorinated surfactants in the environment, cannabis product analysis, novel areas in food testing such as FoodOMICs, as well as water/wastewater treatment processes and testing. KC received her PhD. (2014) and MSc (2011) in Environmental Science and Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. She is currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Contact Information: [email protected]; 650-410-0842