Laboratory Informatics
Oral Presentation
Prepared by R. Schindler
SampleServe, Inc., 800 Cottageview Dr., Suite 1090, Traverse City, Michigan, 49684, United States
Contact Information: [email protected]; 231-933-7035
Mobile field data collection applications are changing the way we collect data and submit samples to the laboratory. These applications will fundamentally change sampling methods and accuracy and speed of reporting results. A Digital Chain-of-Custody will benefit sampling technicians, project managers and laboratories significantly. There will be a substantial amount of money to be saved by laboratories, engineering firms and ultimately, property owners.
We will cover a process for streamlining mobile data entry, field printing labels barcoded/QR coded sample bottle labels at the time of sampling and digital chain-of-custody transfer and sample submission. We will look at advanced reporting capabilities well beyond the basic Excel table and text-based reports. A laboratory's "electronic data deliverable" has traditionally been just raw Excel data, that’s all going to change.
This presentation is intended for field sampling operation managers, laboratory managers, sampling project managers, and sampling technicians. They will learn how digital capture of sample information at the point of collection with digital chain-of-custody will disrupt the environmental sampling industry and by association, environmental reporting services.