Reducing Instrument Downtime for Organochlorine Pesticide Sample Analysis Using an Optimized Graphitized Carbon Black Cartridge for Extract Cleanup

Challenges and Opportunities for Solid Phase Extraction
Oral Presentation

Prepared by J. Thomas, E. Herrold, G. Stidsen, M. Wittrig
Restek Corporation, 110 benner circle, bellefonte, PA, 16827, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 814-353-1300


Some of the most commonly encountered problems experienced by those analyzing environmental samples for organochlorine pesticides are instrument downtime and shortened calibration periods both due to the deleterious effects of coextracted matrix components that are introduced into the analytical instrument during sample injection. In addition to this, chromatographic interferences complicating identification and quantification have also made life difficult for environmental analysts. Although there are cleanup options provided such as Florisil, silica gel, and alumina, these normal phase solutions often do not adequately remove the less polar and high molecular weight compounds that are responsible for diminishing instrumental performance and sample path inertness.
In this presentation, a cartridge is introduced that is designed specifically to be utilized exactly like the frequently employed Florisil cartridge, but to a much superior effect for highly pigmented and inlet degrading samples. What this means for the analyst is calibration curves that can be maintained longer and reduced instrument maintenance, ultimately leading to higher sample throughput.