Is Your Local Stream Clean ? Volunteers Providing a Citizen Watch.

Citizen Science
Oral Presentation

Prepared by L. Vinci
Health Promotion Consultants, 21 25th Street, Roanoke, Virginia, 24014, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 913-535-3091


This presentation will review and discuss the national RiverKeepers Program using a local project as a case example.

This program incorporates the involvement of citizens in a stream sampling and monitoring survey. Volunteer teams of
local neighbors conduct stream assessments at different times throughout the year. These stream studies help to monitor
water quality using a specific methodology and systematic procedure.

Field measures are compiled and the resulting data is tabulated in order to ascertain the 'current condition' of the waterway,
as well as its development/improvement over time.

Results from the testing are also employed to help set public policy as it related to environmental control and protection.