New SPE Disk for Determination of Multi-class Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products Residues in Tap Water, Prior to HPLC-MS/MS Analyses

Challenges and Opportunities for Solid Phase Extraction
Poster Presentation

Presented by J. Fenster
Prepared by S. Bayoudh, M. Arotcarena, C. Germain, K. Naraghi, R. Durand
AFFINISEP, PO Box 620828, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 603-401-9167


The presence of pharmaceuticals in drinking water, even at very low concentrations, has raised concerns among stakeholders such as drinking-water regulators, governments, water suppliers and the public, with regard to the potential risks to humans. There is a need for a sensitive and reliable analytical method for drug residues in drinking water.

A new SPE Disk based on HLB polymeric sorbent has been developed to improve extraction and concentration method from a liquid or air sample. This SPE disk is a very thin, soft, dense and uniform membrane having a high capacity without any channeling effect. In this work, this SPE Disk is used to clean-up and pre-concentrate multi-class pharmaceutical residues. Large-volume extractions were applied with high flow rate giving excellent recovery yields.

This method covers a wide range of polarities of pharmaceutical residues (in water systems, prior to HPLC-MS/MS analyses. The targeted pharmaceutical compounds list described in EPA Method 1694.