Rapid Analysis of Environmental Applications Using Superficially Porous Particle Column Technology

Poster Presentation

Prepared by D. Li, S. Liang, J. Steimling, T. Kahler
Restek Corparation, 110 Benner Circle, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, 16823, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 814-353-1300


Superficially porous (SPP) particles have been proven to provide fast and efficient separations with lower back pressures. By decreasing particle size, SPP particles offer even more efficiency than traditional fully porous particles of the same size. In this presentation, we will look at two environmental analyses where speed, sensitivity, and selectivity are of importance.
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) encompass a family of compounds used by individuals for health and cosmetic purposes, however, it is difficult to eliminate the presence of these residues from water. Monitoring for the presence of PPCPs in drinking water has become of great interest due to their potential impact on human health. An optimized chromatogram for 41 PPCPs was developed using a Raptor 1.8µm Biphenyl column and a total analysis time of 5 min.
Perfluorinated compounds are of concern due to their potential health effects and their persistence in the environment. In the first study we analyzed the 20 target perfluorinated alkyl acids listed in EPA 537 method. By utilizing a Raptor 5µm C18 column we obtained a total cycle time of 9 minutes, resulting in a three-fold faster analysis time than the EPA method. In an attempt to expand the analyte list of concern and decrease analysis time still further we analyzed 41 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) on Raptor 1.8µm C18 column and obtained an analysis time of 6.5 min, all with excellent resolution.
The performance of SPP particle columns will be demonstrated on applications of PPCPs and perfluorinated compounds using LC-MS/MS. The advantages of superficially porous particles will be demonstrated in the fast analysis of both PPCPs and PFCs, with both excellent peak shapes and separations.