The Use of Advanced Instrumental Techniques to Address Emerging and Unique Circumstance Contaminants

New Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Organics
Oral Presentation

Prepared by C. Neslund
Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC, 2425 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, PA, 17601, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 717-556-7231


The largest portion of most environmental projects involves the use of SW-846 Methods like 8260, 8270, 6020 or 8081. However, when a site presents the possibility of contamination from a compound or compounds that don’t really have a “home” with one of these methods, we often try to make that compound fit into one of them. We often end up compromising on the data quality objectives because that compound doesn’t extract very efficiently or is a poor purger or doesn’t chromatograph that well. These factors all lead to higher reporting limits, poorer performance relative to method criteria and maybe qualified data.

The growing use of analytical instrumental techniques like LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS have given the analytical chemist some tools to apply to the analysis of these unique compounds. We will present examples of where the application of these instrumental techniques has allowed us to get better sensitivity, reduce the sample handling and improve the chromatography of these contaminants so that we are able to achieve data quality objectives.