Christina Hiegel

Ms. Hiegel has over 14 years experience in the environmental industry. She is a professional civil/environmental engineer, data quality expert, and project manager. Ms. Hiegel is responsible for developing and maintaining the corporate Quality Assurance and Quality Control standards and procedures for overall data quality at Trihydro. She specializes in chlorinated Solvents investigation and currently manages 4 chlorinated solvent sites (including one in Puerto Rico). She also specializes in quality assurance and quality control, data management, risk assessment, institutional controls, and
remedial alternatives/agreements.

Co-Presenter - Michael Wilken

Environmental Analytical Leader in the Environmental Remediation and Restauration Group at The Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan. He owns a Diploma from the Technical University in Berlin, Germany. After being the manager of an environmental laboratory with the focus on Dioxins and related components for 10 years, he had is own world wide operating consultancy business for another 9 years before he joined Dow and relocated to the USA 12 years ago. For the first 7 years he was leading the dioxin laboratory within the company and is since the liaison between the Analytical Chemistry and the Remediation Leader with the focus on the data quality.

Contact Information: [email protected]; 307-745-7474