Organizing and Executing a Citizen Science Project - 10am

Oral Presentation

Prepared by R. Pandya
American Geophysical Union, Thriving Earth Exchange, 2000 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20009, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 202-777-7514


The participation of the general public in the collection and analysis of data for scientific research purposes has increased in popularity and become more feasible with recent advancements in technology. We have divided the average citizen science project into 3 different stages: volunteer involvement, data collection, and community data analysis. During this 3-part panel discussion, we seek to provide the audience with advice on directing citizen science projects from experts with experience facilitating community engagement in scientific pursuits.

9 am - Volunteer Involvement - Mike Kautz, Adventurers & Scientists for Conservation

10 am - Data Collection - Nolan Doesken, Colorado State University

11am - Community Data Analysis - Luis Olmedo, Comité Civico Del Valle, Alliance Healthcare Foundation