Field-Based Comprehensive Odor Monitoring Using SIFT-MS

Oral Presentation

Prepared by B. Prince1, M. McEwan2, V. Langford1, D. Hera1, D. Milligan1
1 - Syft Technologies, 3 Craft Place, Middleton, Christchurch, Canterbury, 8024, New Zealand
2 - University of Canterbury, Department of Chemistry, Private Bag, Christchurch, Canterbury, 8001, New Zealand

Contact Information: [email protected]; 0116433386701


Odor compounds are chemically diverse, making comprehensive analysis using conventional analytical technologies challenging. Furthermore, while odor emissions are usually dynamic, requiring fast response for proper characterization, odor panels and/or lab-based analyses are expensive and based on time-averaged samples.

Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) simultaneously detects and quantifies both organic and inorganic odorous compounds in real time in air to pptv levels with no sample preparation (1),(2). SIFT-MS is a direct mass spectrometry technique that utilizes eight rapidly switchable chemical ionization agents to deliver unparalleled real-time selectivity, absolute quantitation, and wide linear and dynamic ranges.

In this study, a van-mounted Syft Technologies’ Voice200 SIFT-MS instrument was deployed at several chicken production facilities in South East Queensland, Australia, during September and October 2013. Air from the poultry shed was sampled continuously by the SIFT-MS instrument using a flow-past configuration. A diverse range of odorous compounds was targeted, including ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, aldehydes, and volatile fatty acids.

The odor profiles were observed to change dramatically over short time periods, illustrating the value of continuous, broad-spectrum monitoring using SIFT-MS compared to time-averaged methods.

(1) B.J. Prince, D.B. Milligan, and M.J. McEwan, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 24, 1763–1769 (2010).
(2) V.S. Langford, I Graves, and M.J. McEwan, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28, 10–18 (2014).