The "Can Do" Approach Analytical Standards and Generating Valid Defensible Data

Oral Presentation

Prepared by C. Neslund
Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, 2425 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, PA, 17601, United States

Contact Information: [email protected]; 717-556-7231


The increase in availability of Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for use in our analytical methods has proven valuable (and expensive) to increasing the defensibility of the data that is generated from a given, well used, procedure. But what about those compounds that don't have a CRM available. What about the compound that was spilled, is not a part of any SW-846 or drinking water method, but needs to set-up for the analysis of samples, right now? You can only find it from one or two suppliers and the smallest quantity they sell is 100 grams? That doesn't sound like much of an analytical reference material.

We will take a look at some common lab best practices for increasing the reliability of the results that are generated, some alternatives to the second source "dilemma", and offer some suggestions for what could help with the process.